So the chainsaw thing turned out to be a longer process than expected... I now have some major respect for those log carvers, you know, those rednecks that turn logs into bears, eagles, owls, indians etc... that project will have to come to fruition for another show in the future... it turns out to be a good thing because i would never have been able to fit those along with everything else into my truck to bring down to LA... but the chainsaw was definitely good times.
on the way down to LA I drove through a killer little Southern Oregon thunderstorm complete with giant rainbow and crazy lightning, reminded me of a piece I did for the show...

Here's the featured EVENTS page out of the the September Juxtapoz issue... pretty sweet!

For the last few days I've been finishing up some of the bigger sculpture pieces, my Dad has a big workshop with every machine and tool you could possibly imagine in it. So I'm letting my imagination run a little wild... ton-o-fun!

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