Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Smackdown on my backside.

Alright i ve been a bad boy and have been slacking on the posting front. so let me introduce myself. Hi my name is Dennis Hayes and i ve been an artoholic for 30 years. Now that the hard part is over lets get to it.
I ve been an advocate of for the enviroment for as long as i can remember. I was a member of the "Green Team", a small sect of boyscouts who fought for the enviromental cause and more specifically the health of the great lakes. One of my favorite projects in grade school was one where i designed a recycling system for implimentation in the common household. I have continued to strive to be a sustained citizen especially making stronger efforts in recent years. I practice the prioritization of the recycling symbol (1 Reduce, 2Reuse, 3 Recycle) in my studio. I have a tendency to excel with number 2 (no pun intended with showing you my backside..., of my painting that is), by reusing refused lumber, paints, and other supplies. any how that s a brief background that i hope you enjoyed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yayyyyy... Hayes found the computer!!! Congrats!