Howdy Folks. working another late night through another nasty rain storm this week in SE MI. Its also humid as hell and i personally am excreting percipitation down on my paintings while working. As if you wanted to know about me sweating my hinny off . I suppose i just needed to do some bitching. any how thought i would share a few thoughts about what s going on down in the studio here in fashionable ferndale. first off i ve been listening to some incredible music. I have just got MIA s new cut earlier this week and i must say i am enamored with the track paper airplanes. . Also been jamming out to some ol Janis and some ol Spooky tooth. Cut Copy have made a few rotations as well as some G n R appetite style. Number 2 i found out i am very fond of Zooey Deschanel. I have been going through a bunch of her films over the summer and i haven t really been disappointed by one. Alright have to go put the brush back in hand and change the record.
ps the image is a photo I took this past weekend taking the kids out for a picnic dinner and a hike right before the first storm rolled in.
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